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Spring Speaker - Lynn Christenson

  • BTA/BOLT INC. ZOOM (map)

Moose are an iconic wildlife species of the northern woods, but have you ever stopped to consider who they are and how they interact with the forest community? And how is changing climate  affecting moose and their relationship with the forests we call home?

Lynn Christenson will discuss her work at Hubbard Brook and how moose are an important species in our woods.

Ms. Christenson is an ecosystem ecologist, studying how plant and animal interactions affect nutrient cycling in northern temperate forests. Much of her research focuses on how winter climate change, through less snowfall, will change the relationships between plants and animals and ultimately affect forest health. This complex web of interactions has Christenson observe the smallest animals in her study systems using microscopes to identify and count soil invertebrates to the largest animals, moose, using motion detecting cameras.

She is a professor at Vassar College.

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